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Who We Are

Certified Peer Specialists and Recovery Coaches

Violet Stars

Peer Specialists and Recovery Coaches help people become and stay engaged in their recovery journey and in maintaining their overall emotional wellness. Both support people in strengthening their community inclusion and finding their own unique pathways in life.

They support people in finding inspiration, meaning, and purpose in their lives through mutual connection, community integration and self-advocacy. They can significantly impact people’s beliefs about recovery and emotional wellness by sharing their lived experience, strength, and hope.

Certified Peer Specialists

Sharing their own lived experience with trauma, psychiatric diagnoses, and experiences within the mental healthcare system, Certified Peer Specialists build a foundation of trust based on mutuality and shared healing.

Through collaboration and advocacy, they support others in navigating the mental health care system and encourage a self-directed engagement with providers.

Certified Peer Specialists effect systems change through advocacy, modeling strengths-based language, addressing stigma, and facilitating mental health awareness.


Utilizing their own lived experiences with recovery from addictions and substance use, Recovery Coaches teach harm-reduction techniques and assist in accessing sustaining self-help and mutual addiction and recovery support groups.

Recovery Coaches effect systems change by helping to eliminate addiction stigma from health care and promoting the recovery-oriented model.

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